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Tuesday, July 10, 2007 

Celebrity Homestyles: Hannah Storm

Hannah Storm is one of the warm, contemporary, personable faces that comes into our home every weekday morning on CBS' The Early Show. Ms. Storm's home offers her a relaxing environment that is filled with a transitional style, interior design wise. Transitional is the blending of contemporary and traditional decor in her vintage clapboard Connecticut home, filled with avant-garde art work and furniture from pre-war Europe. The real focus in her home though, is her need for functional style based on being a busy mother of three, partner to sportscaster Dan Hicks, and up-at-the-crack-of-dawn coanchor.

Buttery, color and texture leather chairs, warm light-hued fabrics paired with dark brown and black stained wood tables lend an timeless Paris style back-dropped by classic built-in bookcases, plaster mantels and wrought-iron banisters. Bold black and gold stripes fabrics add zip to draperies and sofas. Deep-stained hardwood floors are left basically bare to streamline rooms and focus on minimalist art and accessories. Don't be fooled that Ms. Storm's home is designer-right, every room has a whimsical touch that states she's still in charge of her home, style-wise.

Enjoy more Celebrity Homestyles featuring: Hannah Storm, Princess Marie-Chantel of Greece, Sofia Coppola, Meredith Viera, Pamela Anderson, Anjelica Houston and more. Do you have a celebrity that would like to be featured in an upcomming Celebrity HomeStyles article? Send a query via link in resource box below. Include the celebrities name, home location, along with photos of the exterior, gardens, living spaces and master bedroom.

Copyright 2006 Mark Nash

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  • Hi! I'm Karen Cheng. I'm a web designer, mother of two, Australian born Chinese living in Perth, Western Australia.I'm married to a yummy guy named Andrew. We have two boys - Callum, who is 3 years, and Sean, who is 1 year old.
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