Personal Injury Claims are Out of Control
Many people are looking to get money for nothing any way that they can. Some people try to extort money from other people, or try to trick them out of their money. My grandmother was scammed into a sure thing investment, and then lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, when the investment turned out to be a fraud. However many people these days are not actually actively looking for free money, but when something bad happens to them, they sometimes take advantage of the situation.
Personal injury claims have really exploded into very large sums of money over the past decade. When I was a kid an accident was actually an accident and not just an easy way to make you rich. I am not saying that all lawsuits are completely wrong or unnecessary, but the system is definitely being abused.
If anyone happens to make a mistake, then there is going to be a lawyer somewhere that will make a case that a malicious act has been committed. Many people will have an accident and just want to make sure that they get enough help to pay their bills. Unfortunately there are quite a few lawyers in the United States that will get a hold of their case, and try to squeeze every penny out of the person who caused the accident. Not only is this not good for the person who is getting sued, but it is also not good for the rest of us either.
The court system is flooded with all of these frivolous lawsuits which cause real cases to have to wait more time before they can be heard. These lawsuits also cause insurance rates to sky rocket, because it is usually an insurance company that has to pay the majority of these large settlements. I believe that the easiest way to fix this situation is to put a cap on the amount of punitive damages that can be given on certain lawsuits. This will slow down lawyers, because they will not have near as much money to go after, and they will have to take more cases that are worth while. I believe that nothing good comes from these lawsuits and something needs to be done soon to fix the problem.
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