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Thursday, June 21, 2007 

How Do I Lower My Auto Insurance Premiums?

It seems as though the price of everything is on the rise. The amount a house may have cost in the early 70s is how much you will pay for a new car in the 21st century. Oil companies have used the problems in Southwest Asia as an excuse to send gas prices through the roof. And the cost of peace of mind when driving your vehicle knowing if you or your vehicle is injured in an accident you will be covered has become astronomical. So what can you do to lower your insurance premiums so you dont feel as though you are paying a mortgage note in exchange for a vehicle and a car note in exchange for insurance?

Consider how much coverage you really need to buy and the price each of these coverages will pay. Think about collision and comprehensive coverage, which is how much you will be reimbursed for the loss or destruction of your vehicle. Are you carrying $30,000 worth of collision coverage for a $12,000 vehicle? Is the insurance company really going to give you $30,000 when your vehicle is only worth $12,000, unfortunately not?

If you are leasing or financing your vehicle these coverages may be required however if you are driving an older car that has depreciated significantly you may want to consider saving on your premium by dropping this coverage. Before you drop it make sure you can afford to foot the bill on the entire cost of replacing that vehicle if it is lost.

Think about the cost of insuring that sports car or luxury vehicle before you purchase it. If higher premiums is a small price to pay for going from 0 to 60 in .5 seconds go ahead and purchase that Ferrari, if not consider the sedan.

Generally you cant help where you live but expect that you will pay higher premiums in cities or towns that have high rates of accidents and vandalism as opposed to more rural low crime areas. The X and Y-chromosomes are luck of the draw and everyone ages in the same slow, drawn out amount of time. Oh and of course everyone cant find that special someone and settle down right away but if you had control over any of these things it would help control your premium rates.

Single, young males under the age of 25 get the short end of the stick in this deal so if you fall into this category make up for this price increase by purchasing a more sensible vehicle. Consider delaying the purchase of that cherry red Mustang until after youre 26 and married. Another aspect of higher premiums is your driving record. Drivers who cause accidents will pay for it in their insurance premiums. If youre a high-risk driver the insurance company is going to supplement the money lost on safe drivers by increasing the amount you will have to pay. So slow down, leave earlier, be patient and think about how much money you can save every year by obeying the traffic laws.

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