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Wednesday, June 27, 2007 

Home Based Business Insurance

When starting a home-based business there will be many things to consider, one of these considerations is making sure you have adequate insurance. This may not be the highest on your list of priorities; however it is something that cannot be ignored. If anything unexpected happened having suitable and sufficient insurance cover could be the difference between your business succeeding or failing. You may not require all types of insurance listed below; however they are something that should be considered.

Health insurance This should be your first consideration, health insurance is something we all need, especially if you are running a business from home. If you are too ill to work, you cannot earn.

Disability insurance If you become ill and are unable to continue working disability insurance will provide you with a small income until you have made a full recovery

Life insurance This speaks for itself, if you die unexpectantly your family will require financial support. Life insurance is also a requirement for some types of business loans.

Business property insurance This will protect you against loss of supplies or equipment, if your business suffers a loss due to a flood, fire or other disaster, this type of insurance will allow you to recoup any loss suffered.

Comprehensive general liability insurance This type of insurance is necessary if your home-based business plans to host clients or customers within the confines of your home. This could be in the form of a meeting or someone simply collecting or dropping off supplies. Having liability insurance will protect you if one of these visitors meets with an unexpected accident, whilst on your property.

Business interruption insurance This type of insurance will protect your business from natural disasters. It will also cover you for any loss of income during the disaster.

Workers' compensation insurance This insurance is vital if you plan to have employees working with your home. Compensation insurance will cover you for any medical expenses arising from any injuries an employee may sustain while working for you.

Taking out these policies will ensure you are fully prepared to face any eventuality that may occur while running a business from your own home. Accidents have a way of happening when least expected, however being fully prepared for them will reduce the chance of it adversely affecting your business financially.

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